After a breath blip / not sure if i wanted to blog anymore i made the decision to delete my entire blog.
I felt like I had hit a brick wall with it and wasn't entirely sure where I was going with it.
I've decided to start afresh and see how it pans out.
So here goes round 2 :D...............

Now I haven't really got a problem with this, if this is how he feels more comfortable, but with him starting nursery in September do you think I should try and get him in pants before he starts or let him carry on with his nakey ways? (I'm getting concerned with the thought of him scaring the girls with his naked boy bits & them going off and telling their parents theres a flasher in the you think the teacher would have a problem with him wearing no pants?
My 3 oldest boys have never had issues with pants so this is a 1st for me :)
I have no idea but glad you are blogging again - I love reading your posts :)
ReplyDeletethank you Emma......Feel a little bit more mentally refreshed now :)
DeleteSee my 2 year old will put pants on in the morning no problem. Then he'll go for a wee/poo, come downstairs with his trousers on and pants in his hand.
ReplyDeleteHe also feels better without them on. I'm certainly not going to argue with him.
I'd send him without them and just let the nursery know.
Probably try in the mean time to see if he will wear them but if he doesn't then there's not much you can do.
I can't see that the nursery would refuse to take him because he doesn't have pants on :-)
I think thats prob the path im gonna go down.
DeleteI cant see the teacher being too bothered, i think i'll message them before he starts to let them know about his naked ways....hopefully he will take to wearing undies by the time he starts school :D
I think ive been over thinking it...... I had a flashback to when my 5 yr old was in nursery and he forgot to put his undies on 1 day and his teacher said to me 'why does he not have underwear on, he is naked, please make sure he has pants on' (but he was in nursery in Cyprus so maybe they have different view on underwear wearing??) :D
my youngest has a real issue with socks and hardly ever wears them... for the first 3 years of his life he pretty much was always bare footed lol but i had to get him to wear them for school put he takes them off as the first thing when he walks through the door, and wuite often its a pain to get them on him in the morning!! As for pants have you tried boxer shorts? might like them more? if not just explain to the teachers I'm sure they'll understand x (oh and glad you've decided to come back to blogging)
ReplyDeleteHe wont wear boxers either....hes a strange child :)
DeleteHes a bit like that with socks & even went through a faze with not liking shoes and would only wear wellies?? (we've got over this now thankfully)
He does like wearing hats.....aren't kids crazy with their quirks :D
Hi,I know you have said you deleted your old blog posts but when I added you to my google reader there are old one showing. Just incase you didn't know,seems odd if not show here.
Haven't got a clue what i've done there then, thought i'd deleted it all, oh well.....will have a look after :)